Our story did not begin as a fairytale "once upon a time" type of beginning for this narrative. A "quick, one night meetup at a Super 8" kind of story, but I'll spare you the sordid details. A week later I kinda had a feeling something was different and two days after my period should've ended and it hadn't arrived, it was pretty much confirmed. I took one test and within seconds it was positive.
When I was about 9-10 weeks along I was able to get a midwife. I was going to have the "perfect" birth surrounded by candles, dim lighting, with maybe 3-4 people in the room, and possibly in a birthing pool.
HA! Life had other plans for me!
At my first ultrasound, at around 21 weeks, the tech immediately said, "This appointment is going to take longer than we thought because there are two in there!" I was shocked. The midwife only ever heard one heartbeat! In hindsight, I guess she never really tried to find a second one. My partner's reaction? "I told you."
Then my midwives had to transfer my care to an obgyn, because twins are considered high risk and midwives rarely deliver them, at least not on purpose. Other than the twin bomb, my pregnancy was pretty uneventful. At 37 weeks the word "induction" was mentioned, which I didn't want, atleast not so early still. I was also told there was a possibility that Twin B had stopped growing. At 38 weeks, I decided it was time and did the induction. If I had to make that choice again, I would have waited longer. My first water broke the next morning around 1am. My mom drove us to the hospital where I laboured for the next 23hrs! On March 22nd at 1:05am, Milana Cimone was born. Then at 1:20am, Lenae Daliah followed her sister. They were both healthy and average size for twins born around 38 weeks, Milana was 6lb5 (2.9kg) and Lenae was 5lb5 (2.4kg).
I didn't have the "perfect" birth I had dreamt about... I had an epidural but avoided C-section. There were no candles just bright OR lights. I had my mom in the room with me, two doctors, my labour nurse Stephanie, and two teams of nurses/nicu staff, one for each baby... So maybe 10-12 people. Lastly, there was no birthing pool, I was on my back with my feet in stirrups (not my ideal position that's for sure!).
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